Working from home: smart tips for smarter working

Working from home means more flexible working hours and more free time. Here are some tips to achieve a better work-life balance.

We are what we wear: the impact of clothes on the judgement of others and on our thinking

The clothes we wear have the power to influence the judgement of others and change our thinking.

Where does textile waste end up?

Have you ever wondered where the garments and accessories you throw away end up and how are they disposed of?

Is vegan footwear really sustainable?

Is vegan fashion more environmentally friendly? In actual fact, when it comes to assessing the sustainability of a product, it’s all rather complex and various factors have to be taken into account.

Is the art of craftsmanship on its way out?

Artisan garments are the fruit of manual skills that are increasingly hard to find these days, and yet it’s precisely these skills that bring unique value to the product.

How to transform your home into a place of well-being

Through sensory stimuli, home environments can generate positive emotions, which, in turn, promote well-being and serenity.

Sweet-filled slippers, thanks to Saint Nicholas

In many European countries, children do not have to wait until Christmas to receive gifts. We find out more about Saint Nicholas Day which is celebrated on the 5th and 6th of December.

Rediscovering well-being within the walls of your own home

We live in a world where digital technologies affect our daily routines more than we are willing to admit.

The value of taking things slow

In a society dominated by lightning-fast digital technologies, competitiveness in the workplace and the frenzy of too many daily commitments, the word ‘slow’ has taking on mainly negative connotations.

The beauty of simplicity

When designing a new slipper model, we always ask ourselves the following: how can we make it more beautiful and comfortable?