How to transform your home into a place of well-being

According to Ayurvedic medicine - aka Ayurveda - our well-being is impacted by our five senses: our relationship with the outside world will only be balanced if we receive positive stimuli from a visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory and tactile point of view. This philosophy identifies the three main qualities that influence the actions, thoughts and lifestyles of every living being and material entity. These so-called “Gunas” determine the characteristics of the world around us, in addition to our individual consciousness and spiritual evolution. 

Sattva is the quality of harmoniousness, knowledge, beauty and calmness. It allows us to develop virtues and obtain the inner balance and stability needed to awaken our deepest dimension. This is the purest state of mind, thanks to which we can achieve non-ephemeral happiness. 

Rajas encompasses energy, movement and creativity, and is the quality needed to bring about change and transformation. However, when Rajas predominates, it can cause anxiety, worry and instability.

Finally, Tamas is the quality of contradiction and negativity, which distances us from well-being and makes us lazy, indolent and depressed.

According to Ayurveda and yoga, the intertwining of the three Gunas determines our mental and physical aspects: a predominance of Rajas or Tamas respectively, leads us towards excessive instability or inertia, whilst Sattva allows us to achieve a healthy and morally correct lifestyle. 

A sense-“pampering” home

The home is the place in which we find the energy required to face everyday life and where we take refuge when in need of rest and relaxation. For this reason, it is important to ensure that our home environments are comfortable and relaxing, yet also energising and stimulating.

By following the Ayurvedic philosophy and rearranging our domestic spaces to stimulate our five senses, we can trigger positive emotions and feelings that promote serenity and well-being.

Harmony, beauty, colours and natural light are a feast for the eyes and give off positive vibes. Special attention should be paid to the colour palette of the different rooms: while cold colours have a relaxing effect, warm ones, on the other hand, can be invigorating.

Music feeds the auditory sense by helping us become more creative and uplifted, yet can also be used as a way to relax and unwind: it is important to choose the melody that best suits your mood and current activity.

The olfactory sense - i.e. our sense of smell - also has the power to stimulate certain emotions and cognitive aspects in our brain. Carefully select your home fragrances because our olfactory memories are unique to us and each fragrance can easily awaken positive or negative feelings.

Furthermore, take into account the “feel” or tactile effect of each object when choosing the materials and finishes for furnishings and accessories: a fluffy blanket, soft carpet or even the grain of a wooden shelf can help make us feel safe and protected.

If food nourishes the body and soul, then taste - the gustatory sense - also plays an important role during the moments spent at home. By enjoying a balanced diet - composed of fresh and healthy foods - this will help us not only feel good and keep fit, but also create ample opportunities to spend time with the ones we love.