Rediscovering well-being within the walls of your own home

We live in a world where digital technologies affect our daily routines more than we are willing to admit. Whether they’re used for online shopping or to maintain interpersonal relationships, electronic devices serve as a channel for satisfying our primary and secondary needs, in addition to acting as a filter for our thoughts, actions and emotions.

This evolution from homo sapiens to homo technologicus is not without its flaws from a cognitive and relational point of view: we must be able to handle different variables by making sense of the continuous external stimuli. This involves the need to quickly recover any psychophysical energy lost as a result of juggling our daily lives, so that we're able to efficiently carry out our daily tasks once more. 

Switching off, relaxing and rediscovering our psychophysical well-being have therefore become core activities; they not only allow us to become more aware of this increasingly competitive and complex world, but also help us return to a calm and tranquil state.

Physical and inner well-being

According to the principles of yoga, achieving a state of well-being is dependent on the harmony between the body, mind and soul. For this reason, the aim is to act on both fronts: improve muscle function whilst also managing stress and emotions.  If physical and inner well-being are dependent on one another, how can we achieve both when we are at home?

Our homes are ideal for making us feel protected from the outside world; however, we must also make strides to learn how to relax and enjoy precious time spent with family. Inner well-being: switching off our electronic devices to reduce the number of external stimuli, and choosing a pleasant activity instead, such as reading a book, can help restore calm and serenity. Physical well-being: taking care of our body by means of regular physical exercise and relaxation, will help us recover energy and promote concentration.

The home environment must also promote serenity and balance, just as the Hygge lifestyle teaches us.

The Hygge home

According to the Danes, the home must be a refuge and place of sharing; a place where we feel content with ourselves and others, whilst rediscovering well-being and harmony. It is therefore important to furnish this home in a welcoming way and create a relaxing atmosphere, by opting for warm, soft lighting and using candles. Furthermore, the Hygge lifestyle recommends surrounding yourself with photos and objects that are sentimental to you and the home’s inhabitants, in addition to creating green corners with your favourite plants.

When pared-down but full of objects that convey positive feelings, the home becomes a safe haven where you can spend quality time alone or surrounded by your loved ones. In this way, you can learn to take charge of your daily stress levels and begin enjoying the small pleasures in life once more, by finding a sense of fulfilment in the present.

Why comfortable clothing matters

According to the Hygge philosophy, our loungewear also plays a vital role in helping us feel comfortable and at ease. Winter calls for warm, soft garments, such as onesies, shawls and oversized sweaters that protect us from the cold, whilst making us feel comfortable.

The Löwenweiss felt slippers perfectly complement clothing designed to promote well-being, thanks to their comfort fit and warm yet breathable materials. Your feet will be able to rest and find their natural position, whilst you experience truly relaxing moments with your nearest and dearest.