Regenerative agriculture allows brands in the fashion sector to reduce the amount of natural resources used in the production of natural textile fibres.
Is vegan fashion more environmentally friendly? In actual fact, when it comes to assessing the sustainability of a product, it’s all rather complex and various factors have to be taken into account.
What do young people look for in a clothing item? This is a question we often used to ask ourselves, when our slippers were mostly purchased by adults over 40.
From trees and wrapping paper to unwanted gifts and leftover food, the Christmas period contributes significantly to the amount of waste that reaches our landfills.
Artisan garments are the fruit of manual skills that are increasingly hard to find these days, and yet it’s precisely these skills that bring unique value to the product.
In many European countries, children do not have to wait until Christmas to receive gifts. We find out more about Saint Nicholas Day which is celebrated on the 5th and 6th of December.