Slippers for young people? Sustainable and comfortable

What do young people look for in a clothing item? This is a question we often used to ask ourselves, when our slippers were mostly purchased by adults over 40. This was a trend we attributed, at least in part, to the typical image of woollen slippers, which until a few years ago were seen as an item for people “of a certain age”.

In the last couple of years, however, there has been a clear shift in this trend, and we have witnessed a drop in the average age of our customers. This change has undoubtedly been driven, in part, by the pandemic: being compelled to spend more time at home boosted the need for warm, comfortable footwear. But why do young people opt for artisan slippers over other, more economical products?

We took a look at the data that emerged from recent research, and we found out that the Millennials, born between the 1980s and the mid-1990s, and GenZ, born between 1995 and 2010, are extremely attentive to product quality and environmental sustainability. According to a recent survey conducted by Pwc Italia, 90% of young people are prepared to pay more for clothes made in an ethical and sustainable manner, and for 69% of those interviewed, the determining factor for purchases is product quality, with a frequent preference for items made in Italy. Today’s young people, who have grown up watching the effects of pollution and global warming, pay more attention to environmental issues, and expect brands to adopt behaviours designed to reduce thenegative impact of the textile industry on the planet. They are also prepared to give up fast fashion in favour of clothes designed to last.

The various lockdowns and the adoption of remote working have prompted many of us to focus on safety and well-being in the home, turning it into a pleasant environment in which to take a break from the situation outside. In the last two years, the cozy living theme has dominated user searches and conversations on social media, especially Pinterest and Instagram. This cozy lifestyle trend includes a focus on inviting, relaxing living spaces, and on cozy aesthetic outfits able to enhance well-being in the home. If it’s true that two out of three young people look to influencers before making their purchasing choices (according to a study conducted by Buzzoole on over 4 million Italians aged between 18 and 24), it’s highly likely that the cosiness trend has prompted them to opt for comfortable, enveloping models made from materials with a pleasant feel.

By pooling these data, we’ve realised that young people today essentially seek three characteristics in the items they buy: quality, sustainability and comfort. These characteristics have always been the strengths of ourmen’s and women’s slippers, made in Italy using sustainable, artisan methods and using top-quality, partly recycled materials.erials.