How Flow—the new shoe you can wear at home and out and about—was born

How and when was Flow—the new wool felt shoe you can wear at home and out and about—born? Let's find out more.


The flow theory reveals the secret to happiness

Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi spent his life studying the origins of happiness, with surprising results.


The virtuous circle of well-being

The wool used for our slippers in RWS-certified; an international standard that guarantees respectful animal welfare and environment practices.


Working from home: smart tips for smarter working

Working from home means more flexible working hours and more free time. Here are some tips to achieve a better work-life balance.


Ikigai: rediscovering the meaning of life from even within the home

2020 has put a strain on our psychophysical well-being. The ikigai philosophy can help us rediscover the activities that give meaning to our lives.


Well-being our feet

Although we tend to neglect them, our feet are vital for our physical and mental well-being.


We are what we wear: the impact of clothes on the judgement of others and on our thinking

The clothes we wear have the power to influence the judgement of others and change our thinking.


Slippers in the office: a viable option?

What would it be like if we could wear slippers even when we’re in the office? We’ve tried to describe a possible scenario.


The beauty of imperfection

What would happen if we accepted the idea that perfection does not exist and started appreciating a simpler and more genuine beauty?


Where does textile waste end up?

Have you ever wondered where the garments and accessories you throw away end up and how are they disposed of?
